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Reasons Acupuncture Supports Couples Facing Infertility


When you consider all the changes in our agricultural practices, the increased number of medications we take, as well as our dependence on plastic and technology that is constantly emitting low-grade radiation, it’s no surprise more couples are having trouble conceiving. Current statistics show one in six couples who are trying to conceive are facing fertility issues. And while many times infertility is thought of as a female issue, it is really a factor for both the man and woman and should therefore be addressed as such.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we talk about qi a lot, the energy or life force in everyone. Qi regulates the mental and physical body. When qi is disrupted or blocked due to poor health or other circumstances, then disease may occur. Regular acupuncture treatments help to keep the normal flow of qi moving and unblocked. A healthy flow of qi increases a couple’s chances of conceiving.


One of the most important ways acupuncture treatments can support a couple facing fertility issues is through reducing stress. Stress is frequently a key component that contributes to infertility in both men and women. When people are stressed, the brain releases a hormone known as cortisol. Too much cortisol alters the brain and changes the hormone levels which are key to the reproductive cycle. Due to the delicate balance between the brain, pituitary gland and the reproductive glands, excess stress is capable of preventing ovulation completely. Stress can also cause spasms in the uterus and fallopian tubes, which may interfere with implantation of a fertilized egg. In men, stress can alter sperm count, sperm motility and cause impotence. Acupuncture has the ability to counter the effects of stress.


Regular acupuncture treatments are also very effective at decreasing and removing excess phlegm in the lower body. This buildup of excess phlegm can be caused by numerous factors. There are two causes that are most common. The first is a diet that is saturated with fast, greasy, sugary and fried foods and lacking in fresh, whole plant-based foods. The second cause is the sedentary lifestyle that many people now live. Studies confirm that these two situations lead to increased infertility issues. But specific acupoints, herbs and exercise can all be beneficial in creating a healthy environment for a baby to be conceived.


Acupuncture can also be a great option for those facing fertility issues, because it doesn’t cost nearly as much as other options.  IVF success rates are only about 33 percent. However, the use of TCM over a 6 month period can increase success rates by nearly 65 percent for a fraction of the cost of IVF. With acupuncture, people also get the added benefits of more restful sleep, less stress and anxiety, improved digestion and better health overall.


Studies show acupuncture can increase fertility and allow couples to conceive more frequently. If you are experiencing fertility problems, acupuncture may hold the answer.


Acupuncture and Breastfeeding



New mothers always want to do everything possible to care for their new baby. One of the best ways to care for that new bundle of joy is by breastfeeding them. Breast milk contains vital nutrients and antibodies that can boost the baby’s immune system. And as an added bonus, breastfeeding allows for the bond between mother and baby to strengthen.


However, for many women, breastfeeding does not come naturally. For some, due to their own nutritional deficiencies, breastfeeding may not be the best choice. And for others, the lack of milk produced by the mammary glands can be why they are unable to breastfeed.


For those mothers who are unable to produce enough milk on their own, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be a helpful tool. According to TCM, there are two major causes of low milk supply. Both of these causes deal with blood and qi (pronounced “chee”). Qi is frequently translated into energy. And everything on the planet contains energy, even the table and chairs we sit on daily.


The first major cause of low milk production is due to the stomach and spleen being deficient in their production of qi and blood. The spleen and stomach take the nutrients from the food mother ingests and then transforms those nutrients into blood and energy that nourish her body. During pregnancy, more energy and blood is sent to the uterus to feed the growing baby, which can leave mother’s body deficient after giving birth. Giving birth is a traumatic experience for the body and mother needs time to heal and rejuvenate. But when there is a newborn baby that needs attention, most new mothers tend to neglect themselves, making it more difficult for their bodies to produce enough milk for the baby.


The second major cause of low milk production is due to the liver and heart being weakened by negative emotions like worry, frustration, and anxiety. When this occurs, the blood and qi of the liver and heart are unable to flow freely, leading to blockages that can prevent nutrients from being processed properly and keeping them from getting to the appropriate areas, such as the mammary glands. For most new moms experiencing milk production problems, it is a combination of both of these major causes.


Regular acupuncture treatments leading up to birth and even after the baby is born can be very beneficial for the new mother. Studies conducted at the Hanzhong Shanxi Hospital demonstrated that the application of specific acupuncture points actually increase the quantity of milk being produced by the mother. Acupuncture increases breast milk production by removing blockages through increased circulation. Acupuncture can also assist digestion, allowing it to be more proficient in metabolizing the nutrients from food to create milk for the baby.


The most important way that acupuncture can help improve and increase lactation, is by decreasing stress. When cortisol, the stress hormone, is elevated, the body cannot function properly. New mothers are often stressed and sleep deprived.


If you or somebody you know is pregnant or has just had a baby and low milk production is an issue, looking into acupuncture might be a good way to help.

Acupuncture and In Vitro Fertilization


Many fertility doctors are now recommending acupuncture, as it can improve a woman’s chances of conceiving by up to 60 percent. There have been multiple studies conducted that show the rates of live births nearly double in cases where acupuncture was used.

Acupuncture treatments can improve blood flow to the uterus. This has been verified through the use of ultrasound. Increased blood flow to the uterus can create a more hospitable environment for implantation of an embryo.

Another factor that plays heavily in the world of conception is a woman’s stress levels. When a woman is undergoing in vitro fertilization, she is under a lot of stress, both physically and mentally. This can lead to increased amounts of stress hormones that are actually detrimental to the body and may inhibit fertility. Again, this is where acupuncture treatments can help. Regular acupuncture treatments have been shown to decrease overall stress levels, making the fertilization procedure a little easier for the body.

Lastly, acupuncture has been shown to improve the response of the body to in vitro fertilization medications. IVF medications cause multiple follicles to grow, and the higher the number of mature eggs retrieved, the greater the likelihood that one of those eggs will get fertilized, resulting in an embryo for implantation into the uterus.

It is usually recommended a woman begin acupuncture a couple of months prior to the IVF procedure. This will increase the chances of conception. Here, Eastern and Western medicine work very well together. If you’re considering in vitro fertilization, acupuncture might be a welcomed addition to the mix.

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